Kelaray Distinction
(Diplomat x Deveron Airs n Graces)
Anglo Arabian Gelding.
Bart as he is affectionately known has had an incredible show career to date. Winning his first Championship at only 7 month of age. To being unbeaten in his Arabian Derivative/ Open classes.
Bart also won his first Open title at 9 months old when he was awarded Supreme Led Horse at the Nth Isl Premier Showing Championships.
He was very successful and won plenty of Open titles. He is now owned by well-known judge Bruce Holdaway as a future show hack.
We look forward to seeing Bart’s saddle career.

Kelaray Exzotika
(Aria Elation x Simeon Seana)
Purebred Arabian filly who has had a stellar show career in NZ as a weanling / yearling.
Shown as a foal to Champion Junior Purebred Filly at the Nth Island Arabian Championships, Then taking out the title of
Supreme Purebred Arabian. She was sold to Adele Maraki after this show. However she remained as part of the Kelaray Stud Show team.
Once weaned Lola continued on her success with Champion Junior Purebred at the Auckland Royal Easter Show, Supreme Champion Led Foal at the Nth Isl All Breeds Foal Show.
She was also awarded Champion Junior Purebred Filly at the 2015 Nz National Championships after which she was reluctantly sold and exported to China.

Kelaray Helios
RHR Heir of Marwan x Bluegrass Made in Heaven
Purebred Arabian colt sired by the Australian Champion Sire Heir of Marwan.
Exceptionally beautiful this young colt competed as a 4month old weanling at the NZ National Championships
Were he was 2015 NZ Reserve Champion Junior Colt.
After which he was sold to China as a future sire.

Kelaray Galileo
Gymnastik Star x Miracle Of Love
Gilligan is a multi-Champion & Supreme Led Arabian Warmblood.
He had a very successful first season as a yearling competing in Arabian & Open Led Classes.
Shown at the NZHOY 2016 for Supreme Champion Led Junior Performance horse

Kelaray Charmed
Mahogany Black Ice x Miracle of Love
Multi Supreme Champion led Arabian Pony. Charm won Supreme at her first outing as a foal, and very rarely failed to bring home a wide ribbon since.
Shown at limited outings during the season for several Champions & Reserves. Charm won the 2013 NZ National Champion Junior Derivative Pony.
She now resides in the South Island.

Kelaray Divine Diva
Willowcroft Grand Mikado x Simeon Seana
Show once by us for Champion Led Junior Derivative at the Auckland Arabian Spectacular. Diva was sold to Jill Gregson from Burren-dah Stud in Australia, not long afterwards.
She has since gone on to win the coveted title of East Coast Champion Led Yearling Arabian Riding Pony Filly.

Kelaray Wish
Whisper (Dec) x Aloha Touch of Class
Star was a super star from the day she was born. Tall, elegant and black.
She was sold to her new owner, and prepped and shown by us at her first show for her new owner.
Winning the Supreme Arabian Derivative Title at the 2013 North Island All Breeds Show.
The third time one of our horses has won this prestigious title at this show.

Spellbound KS
Burren-dah the Wizard x Deveron Airs n Graces
Just a sensational Anglo filly, the first we have bred and everything we hoped for.
Reserve Champion Led Junior at the NZ Arabian Championships. This filly is set for a huge career in the show ring.
Beautiful bodied and a super moving filly. She will be shown in 2011 at selected shows.

Voofoo Doll KS
Gymnastik Star x Aloha Touch of Class
Sold to the Tarnia Srhoy of the south island as a future Dressage star / eventer .
Stella will one day join the broodmare band for Tarnia. We look forward to hearing about her future endeavours.

Guess KS
Gymnastik Star x Aloha touch of class
A lovely young gelding that at the young age of 6 months was already a champion male Arabian Derivative and Reserve Champion Led Junior Sport horse. As well as Top 3 Led at Nz National Arabian Championships.
Set to make his mark as a future dressage horse for Sharon Muirhead in the South Island.

Jassur KS
Malmsbury Saki x Miracle of Love 2008 Colt
Our second Purebred Arabian Foal. Out of the Australian & Nz Champion Mare Miracle of Love. Hand reared as his mother had Mastitis and had no milk. He is a character to have around. Loves attention and enjoys being a part of the family. An amazing young horse who really is all class. 2009 Champion Led Purebred Arabian – Kaitaia A & P Show and 2009 Nz National Reserve Champion Junior Colt ( Foals & Yearlings)

Al Khajouleh KS iiu
Malmsbury Saki x Lilac Thyme 2008 Filly
Bubbas is beautiful filly, she is very sensitive and an absolute pleasure to have around. With a super topline and tail set, and a length of rein that just goes on forever… what more could we have asked for. She is a real life barbie doll.

Lush KS
Deveron Airs n Graces x Gymnastik Star
This very athletic filly is bred to be a future champion. Our first foal from grace and one that we think is truly an exceptional individual. Her first show as a foal at her dams side she won The Sporthorse Foal, Warmblood Foal and Show Hack foal classes a the 2009 All Breeds Show. Not bad for a foal that was only 4 months old.

Donnerclass KS
Aloha Touch Of Class x Donnerwind ( Rheinlander)
A super young gelding only shown twice before being sold to Lynne King as a future Dressage and eventing prospect. His first outing he won the Champion Junior Sport Horse title and Horse most suitable for Showing. And also won his age class at the Nth Island Arabian Championships.

E’arlia Jarim x Early Riser
Jazz is the first of our progeny whom we took to several Supreme Led Titles including Nz National Res Champion Led Derivative Gelding. He is a multi Supreme Champion led and Ridden Horse.
2009 Nz National Reserve Champion Senior Derivative Gelding and 2009 Nz National Top 5 Ridden Derivative, owned by Kristy Thomas.

Kelaray First Class
Aloha Touch of Class x Holme Park Flute ( Trakehner) 13/10/06-Dec 2007
Friday was a stunning filly who’s time was cut short by a broken shoulder. Only shown twice for Res Champion Junior Show Hack (2 1/2 months) and Nz National Top 3 Derivative Filly (3 months old)